Sweet Promise Read online

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  Yet Jacob was torn, and his heart was breaking. He loved Vivienne, and couldn’t conceive of leaving her. He was stuck in the middle of an impossible situation. If he did the honorable thing and disappeared, the woman he loved and his family would be left alone.

  He knew the loss would devastate them, as it would him. For now, he wouldn’t suggest such an option. There was no reason to tell Vivienne he’d considered it, unless he was serious about pursuing that course. Jacob looked out the window, watching the city roll by. There had to be another way. He just had to find it.

  Chapter 4

  Not long after Jacob left that morning, Vivienne went to aerobics, where she met Lana. She hadn’t seen much of her recently. Between Lana’s regular job, her new role on Broadway, and, most of all, Trace, there wasn’t much spare time.

  But aerobics was a must, so at least Vivienne could see her there. After a hard workout, they decided to grab some coffee before work. They’d discovered a new place a block over that made, as Lana put it, “the city’s preeminent version of cappuccino.”

  “Where do you learn words like that?” Vivienne said.

  Lana grinned. “Theater, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  They snagged a table, the only empty one. Lana went to the counter to order the cappuccinos while Vivienne saved their seats. The baristas at the shop used the perfect proportions of espresso to milk in relation to the cup depth. Or so she was told, when she asked why it was so darn good.

  The barista had imparted that he let the steamed milk cool a bit before adding the espresso. “It makes a big difference,” he’d said. Vivienne didn’t know about that. Her job was to appreciate the result, which she most certainly did.

  Lana made it through the ever-growing line up to the counter, and eventually brought back two steaming cappuccinos in porcelain cups. “This is worth waiting for.”

  Vivienne slid hers in front of her. “It really is.”

  After they took a minute to sip and enjoy, Vivienne asked, “So, how is it living with Trace?”

  Lana grinned. “Idyllic.”

  Vivienne laughed. “That bad, huh?”

  “How about you?”

  “Oh, it’s so much better living together, and not having to schlep back and forth between the penthouse and an apartment.”

  Lana licked some foam from her lip. “You’re forgetting the best part.”

  “No, I’m not. I think about that all the time,” Vivienne said. “Sleeping every night in Jacob’s bed. I mean, come on, what’s better than that?” She smiled. “I mean, besides sleeping in Trace’s bed?”

  Lana laughed. “Exactly.” She took a sip of her drink. “And the production is going well. I’ve made it, Vivie. I just know I have. Being in a Broadway play is a springboard for me. My agent says so.”

  “I know it is, and it’s so exciting.”

  “So what else is new?” Lana looked at her expectantly.

  “Well, we went to the Poconos.” Vivienne delayed ruining the cheery morning by telling her friend the reason for the getaway.

  “Yes, you texted. That must have been nice.”

  Vivienne rolled her shoulder. “It was.”

  “You are awfully blasé about a trip to a romantic inn in the forest,” Lana said. “Now that you’re with Jacob, are you going to be disgustingly snooty?”

  Vivienne giggled. “Not hardly.” She sighed. “It’s just that the reason we went away for the weekend wasn’t just to be romantic.”

  “What other reason could there be?”

  Holding her cup, Vivienne proceeded to share what had precipitated the getaway. “So can you believe that after all these years, Jacob’s real father shows up? And not to reunite or have a relationship with his son. No. Not Carl Hahn. He’s back to do more damage, as if he hadn’t done enough already.”

  “The man is evil,” Lana said. “What kind of heartless bastard would do such a thing?”

  “Yeah, Jacob’s biological father, that’s who.”

  “So what’s he going to do about it, Vivie?”

  “I wish I knew. Jacob took off early this morning, and I know he wasn’t going to work.” Vivienne looked at her friend for moral support. “It worries me. It’s nerve-racking to think of Kenyon using a private family story to destroy Jacob.”

  “Can they even do that?” Lana said. “I don’t see how they can get away with it.”

  Vivienne wrapped her hands around her warm cup. “Jacob says the implications will carry weight.” She paused. “I can see that. After all, look at the news, magazines, and social media. Stories can spread and go viral if they grab attention.”

  “Yes, and that story sure would,” Lana said. “That’s why I don’t watch the news. I don’t know what to believe, so it’s just upsetting.”

  “You’re right,” Vivienne said. “It’s all about controversy, not what’s really true.”

  It was good to talk it over with Lana and gain perspective on the situation. Not that Vivienne had any better idea about how to assist Jacob. When they finished the cappuccinos, they dumped the empty cups at the counter and headed to work.

  Out on the sidewalk, Lana gave her a hug. “Call me if I can do anything,” she said. “And let me know what happens.”

  Vivienne hugged her back. “I will.”

  Her friend started walking toward the restaurant for her early shift, and Vivienne turned to go to Vee’s. For the rest of the day, she hoped to hear from Jacob, but she didn’t. Twice her fingers hovered over the phone as she considered texting him.

  But she decided not to. It would be better to talk about it over dinner, so she could see Jacob’s expression, and tell more about what was going on with him. At the end of the afternoon, she said goodbye to Michele and took the car home. Her assistant knew something was going on, as she knew her well, but Vivienne wasn’t comfortable telling her about the traumatic events just yet.

  At the penthouse, the cook made veal parmesan with asparagus and new potatoes. It smelled heavenly, and was ready before Jacob got home. When he arrived, Vivienne hugged him, then he went upstairs to change into comfortable clothes.

  The cook served the meal in the dining room, and they started with a glass of Chianti. The aromas from the kitchen didn’t seem to entice Jacob, and Vivienne could tell he was distracted. As they sipped their wine, she watched him, wondering if she should ask.

  She didn’t need to, as Jacob began telling her about going to meet with Kenyon. His anger over the encounter was obvious, and she couldn’t blame him. Vivienne was just as furious over the man’s audacity. But there was something else she saw in Jacob’s eyes, and it scared her.

  The internal conflict he wrestled with wasn’t entirely clear to her, yet she had no doubt that it was there. Vivienne couldn’t define it, although she knew what was happening was a turning point for Jacob. She felt his emotional pain, but was helpless to wrest him free from the conflict.

  So many times Jacob had told her that she should leave him, that she’d be better off without him. The darkness he’d lived with for so long haunted him, and he’d been adamant about not allowing it to engulf her. Since his vow of love, he hadn’t brought it up. Vivienne shared his life now, and leaving wasn’t a part of that.

  Yet, looking at Jacob and witnessing his current torment, an old fear reared its head. He’d told her what Kenyon had said, then how he’d responded. But he hadn’t offered a solution. Jacob hadn’t mentioned removing her from the scene, or protecting her by keeping her away from him.

  Surely that solution wasn’t an option. Vivienne’s heart skipped a beat. He wouldn’t tell her that she shouldn’t be around him with such threats imminent. Jacob wouldn’t do that now…would he?


  For the rest of the evening, Jacob acted as normal as he could. He’d told Vivienne about the conversation with Kenyon. His heart ached over the impending threat, and that she was involved. But he withheld mentioning that he’d considering removing himself from the scene
, knowing she’d be devastated.

  He’d told Vivienne only what he’d had to, keeping quiet about his internal struggle. Then they’d had dinner together, and enjoyed the evening. But Jacob knew that neither of them had been able to put aside anxiety about the storm ahead.

  The next morning, Jacob did the usual. After his jog, he showered, ate, and went to work. But the day wasn’t usual, and his life wasn’t routine. As he had kissed Vivienne goodbye, desperation edged closer.

  Jacob loved her, and no price was too great to ensure her happiness. But even if Jacob made the ultimate sacrifice by acquiescing to his enemies’ demands, it wouldn’t work. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he knew that Vivienne would be as heartbroken as he would, and that such hurt would not heal.

  Frustrated, Jacob got out of the car and went up to his office. Meg greeted him with a scrutinizing look. She didn’t miss his dour expression, and her frown conveyed her concern. But Jacob didn’t offer any explanation.

  He continued to his desk, and sat down to plan the destruction of his enemies. Yet he was unsure where or how to attack, and was still running blind. Before he had any flashes of insight, his phone rang. “Personal call for you,” Meg said.

  Jacob stabbed at the button. “Hello.”

  “I see you’re taking my calls,” Carl said.

  “Not for long,” Jacob said, “unless you have something to say worth listening to.”

  “I can’t say much for your manners.”

  “You were my early role model, Carl. Considering that, I think I turned out better than could be expected.” Jacob was close to hanging up. “You should have stayed buried in your rat hole, Father. Now…what do you want?”

  “I’m glad you asked.” Carl slurred his words, but only slightly. It was still early in the day. “Vico was in the wrong, you know. He took advantage of me during a low point in my life, and saw fit to take my son away. Don’t think I won’t speak out about that.”

  “It’s a little late,” Jacob said. “I’d say that you lack credibility.”

  “Not entirely, Jacob. And I will drive that point home. Vico is not the innocent man in all of this. He managed to take my son when I was unable to prevent it.”

  “You’re disgusting me,” Jacob said. “You didn’t want me, nor do you consider me a son. You’ve never cared about me. So what is this all about?”

  “You’re very wealthy, Jacob. How can you not be concerned about how your father is doing?”

  It was all about the money. Jacob should have seen that. Carl Hahn had found out that his son had made something of his life, and wanted to cash in. When Kenyon had told him that Jacob was running Rinaldi Imports, the sleazebag had hoped for a windfall.

  “So the whole you-took-my-son cry is a ruse,” Jacob said. “This is blackmail. You want money.”

  “You don’t seem to understand, Jacob. I will claim that my son was illegally taken, that it was immoral, in order to put Vico in a bad light,” Carl said, in his raspy tone. “And I’ll tell the world everything that you’d prefer to keep private.”

  Jacob figured as much.

  “And when I do, Daniel Kenyon will see that I’m rewarded,” Carl said. “I deserve more than I’ve gotten, and he’s assured me that he will make good.”

  Jacob sighed.

  “So you see, I win either way,” Carl said. “Either you pay me to keep quiet, which I will if your offer is good enough, or Daniel pays me to talk, and I’ll reveal everything.

  “He’s asked for my help to put you in your place, and I’m willing to do that,” Carl said. “He’s promised me a tidy sum to put you back where you belong.”

  “And where is that, Carl? In the gutter with you?”

  “My life won’t be like that anymore,” Carl said. “I’ve struggled, I admit. But now, I win either way. You pay me, or Daniel will. It’s your choice.”

  Jacob was furious. “You’ve misestimated the situation, Carl. And you’ve misjudged me.” He gripped the phone. “I don’t think that’s how this is going to play out.”

  After slamming the phone back into its cradle, Jacob stared at it, disbelieving that Carl had so boldly demanded money. But then the man was always an aggressive asshole, conceited and concerned only with his own animal urges.

  Jacob was tired of being jacked around, and sick to death of idiots who thought to bully him. Carl Hahn, a man who didn’t deserve the title father, in even the broadest definition, had threatened all that Jacob loved, everything he cared about.

  It was just like when he’d been a child, and Carl’s evil had closed his heart to love before he’d had a chance to become a man. At last, Jacob had love; he had Vivienne in his life. Yet it all might be ripped away because of Carl’s greed and Kenyon’s vindictiveness.

  Chapter 5

  Being in love meant every night was special. Vivienne didn’t have to wait for weekends to share Jacob’s company. Midweek was just as good as any other night. When Jacob came home that day, she could tell that he was upset. “Carl called at the office today,” he said.

  Vivienne raised her brows. “He called you at your office?”

  “Yes, and in a nutshell, he’s on the take.”

  Vivienne took his hand. “What do you mean exactly?”

  “Carl is in it for the money, pure and simple. He had the gall to ask me to make him an offer…as if I’d pay the bastard, for any reason.”

  Jacob sat down and pulled her onto his lap. “But I’m fed up with the whole damn thing.” He touched her cheek. “I’m alone with you, and I just want to cherish every minute.”

  Vivienne was moved by the sentiment. He made it sound like their time together was limited, but certainly she'd just imagined that. They had a long, wonderful future, and would be together this evening plus many more.

  “So what do you want to do tonight?” Vivienne said, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Jacob pulled her down for a kiss, conveying his need. His tongue lashed along hers, and he breathed into her, consuming her with desire. Then he said, in a throaty voice, “I just want to be with you.”

  Vivienne ran her fingers through his hair and tugged.

  “I thought we could spend a quiet evening here. We can share some wine, listen to music, and after…”

  Jacob didn’t have to say the rest; Vivienne’s skin was already tingling. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do,” she said. “And the cook left dinner for us. I wasn’t sure if we were going out or not, so I told her to leave it just in case.”

  They went into the wine room, and after looking over the bottles in the racks, Jacob selected a 2005 Vieux Château Certan. He opened it and got two glasses, then Vivienne followed him to the music room.

  Jacob poured the wine. “This is a Bordeaux blend, and I expect it to be quite good.”

  Vivienne swirled her wine, looking at the purple color. “It smells like plums.” She sipped it, letting the smooth, velvety wine slide over her tongue. “Mmm, delicious.”

  Jacob took one sip, then another. “Yes, rich and complex…pure magic,” he said.

  The music started and Vivienne recognized “Rolling in the Deep,” one of her favorites. Jacob turned it up, and she closed her eyes to listen to Adele sing about the emotions of a scorned lover. When Jacob sat next to her, she pressed close.

  Sipping the exquisite wine and listening to romantic songs, Vivienne found solace in Jacob’s company. She blocked out the world, lost in love. Jacob rubbed his toes along her ankle and feathered his fingertips over her thigh.

  Jacob’s slow, sensual touching made Vivienne feel deeply desired. His touches were deliberate and unrushed, which excited her. Each sensation built on the last, stirring her arousal and stoking the fire inside her into a steady boil.

  When Jacob placed his hand around her throat, a possessive gesture, Vivienne’s clit tensed. He stared deeply into her eyes, his look melting her. Warmth spread through her body, and she squeezed his thigh. When Jacob spoke in a commanding tone, his manner was s
low and deliberate. “Go to the playroom and get ready for me.”

  Vivienne stood and walked to the door, letting her feet sink into the thick carpet. Every nerve ending was alive, and every touch magnified. She went upstairs, filled with delicious anticipation, and looking forward to Jacob joining her.

  The playroom was dark, so she slid the dimmer switch up. The beloved space was welcoming, and a reminder of many erotic scenes. Vivienne walked across the polished wood floor, gazing at the implements hanging from the wall.

  She ran her fingertips along the padded leather of a bench, remembering what Jacob had done with her there. He had a way of tapping into her darkest desires, knowing her sexual triggers, and pushing her boundaries. No two sessions had been the same; each one was thrilling in its own way.

  Vivienne admired the mural on the wall and the lovely furniture that made the space so inviting. She’d shared so much there with Jacob. And being in love with each other made it all that much better. She sighed, thinking of the untold pleasure yet to come.

  Vivienne slipped off her clothes and hung them up. Her bra scraped against her hard nipples, and lowering her panties made her aware of how wet she was. When she was naked, she took her position on the rug with her hands on her thighs. With her eyes cast down, she waited, longing to submit in yet a new way, to show Jacob how much she loved him.

  When the door opened, Vivienne felt his presence, and her pulse raced. She focused her gaze downward, lest she violate the rules. Jacob stood over her with his bare feet nearly touching her skin. She wanted to feel his warmth, to touch his skin, but she held back.

  Jacob reached down with both hands and helped her up. Vivienne noticed that he had already undressed, and caught a glimpse of his gorgeous cock. “You may not look at me or speak,” he said. Her skin tingled, as he led her to the bed in the back of the room.

  “Get on your stomach, Vivienne.” The gruffness of his tone sent a delicious chill through her body.